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Internal Development



Members’ work

Training of Trainers held as a part of CET project!

Training of Trainers within the Project Communicate-Engage-Transform (CET) aimed to enhance youth organizations’ communication skills. By improving these capacities, organizations can develop effective strategies, increase audience engagement, and boost local youth...

Hiking4Understanding piloting event held in Zlatibor

A three day Hiking 4 Understanding Camp was held on the mountain Zlatibor, Serbia, gathering participants, belonging to wide range of age groups, that came together to participate in intergenerational dialogue through sports and physical activities! The aim of this...

Be Connected podcast is live! 

Connect launched a new podcast series, Be Connected Podcast, where we will be discussing how to bring humanity to digital life, what this means in practice, and where young people and youth organizations stand in these discussions. In the first episode,...

The photo campaign Before They Hate is here!

Before They Hate (B4H8) project aims to raise awareness of hate speech and provide tools for youth workers to use with their youth to combat hate speech, misogyny, racism and other forms of discrimination, fostering an environment in which young people can actively...

Results of the AI4Youth Research have been published!

We are pleased to announce that the AI4Youth research has been completed and is now available for consultation. This report is the result of extensive research analyzing how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education and employment for young people....

Hiking4Understanding Training is implemented in Serbia

The capacity-building training within the project "Hiking4Understanding - Empowering intergenerational understanding through educational hiking activities" was successfully implemented on Mountain Tara near Bajina Bašta in Western Serbia from May 31 to June 4,...

The Second DYOu Virtual Fair

The second virtual fair was successfully implemented on the DigitalYOu platform on June 12, 2024. This interactive online event brought together youth organizations from all around Europe and enabled them to present their work, values, activities, and...

DigitalYOu Online Networking Event Is Implemented

The international online networking event within the project DigitalYOu was successfully implemented from May 27 to 29, 2024. It gathered dozens of representatives of youth organizations from all around Europe who got a chance to explore, test, and give valuable...

OPEN CALL / DYOu VIDEO Give away campaign

Are you already registered on the DYOu platform? You want to find potential partners on the platform? Want to have a free promotional video of your organisation? Read more!  DYOu platform is created to enhance how you collaborate, network, and organise...

Take a look at the EU4YOUTH2ACT Infographics

Within the project EU4YOUTH2ACT a series of infographics was produced by partner organizations. Here you can explore the ones made by CONNECT International. YOUTH CHALLENGES  Empowering Youth  | Addressing Today’s Challenges with Tomorrow's Leaders...

The EAF event took place in Valencia, Spain

The fifth EAF event was implemented in the Maria Auxilladora School in Alegemesi, region of Valencia (Spain), from 23rd to 26th April 2024.  The event brought together a diverse group of young people, youth educators, and media and policy experts and enabled...

The First DYOu Virtual Fair

The first virtual fair took place on the #DigitalYOu platform on April 11th, 2024. It gathered organizations from all around Europe and enabled them to present their work, network, mingle and have mutual meetings in an engaging, attractive and interactive manner....

Results of the CET research have arrived

This research was conducted in the framework of the project CET - Communicate - Engage - Transform implemented by a Consortium of four organizations from 3countries: Generation Why Not (Belgium - as the leading organization), Movelt (Greece), BUM (Serbia) and...

AI4Youth – Take part in the research

This research aims to assess the current understanding, skills, and perspectives of youth workers regarding the use of AI and algorithms in education and employment, as well as exploring potential training and professional development opportunities, as a part of...

Online EAF event is sucesfully implemented

The fourth EAF event was implemented online from 25th to 28th March 2024. It brought together media and policy experts, youth educators, and young people to enable them to explore the fake news phenomenon and the dangers it poses to public discourse and...

Call for participants at DigitalYOu Webinars 

After the successful Digital YOu Info days that were organised at the beginning of March, we would like to invite you to the two Webinars: ENGAGE and EMPOWER that will be organised by Connect International to showcase the functions of the platform.  The new...

Recap: INFO DAYS for the new platform Digital YOu

Connect International successfully organised the Info days for the new platform Digital YOu, which happened on the 8th of March in Brussels, Belgium. During the Info day we presented the new platform Digital YOu is designed to offer youth organizations an online...

Take part in the “CIRCLE OF COMPASSION” research

Welcome to our questionnaire about compassion. We believe that compassion is a fundamental and integral part of communities, spreading kindness, understanding, tolerance, warmth and connectedness between people. Help us understand compassion better! We aim to...

Invitation: INFO DAYS for the new platform DigitalYOu

Connect International is inviting you to participate in the Info days for the new platform Digital YOu that will happen on the 8th of March at 18.00 CET, at Mundo Madou (Av. des Arts 7/8) in Brussels, Belgium.  The new platform Digital YOu is...

BITE Networking event takes place in Belgrade

The international networking event within the project BITE 2.0 took place in Belgrade from January 31st to February 2nd, gathering representatives of cultural operators, organizations and institutions from all around Europe. Within the event we officially published...

Pool of experts meeting within the project DigitalYOu

The online meeting of the Pool of Experts members was held on January 25th, 2024. The meeting enabled PoE members to meet each other and to get introduced to the latest developments of the DigitalYOu project. The innovative DigitalYou platform and its functions...

The Family Friendly Sport Platform Has Arrived

This innovative platform developed within the EU-supported project “Family Friendly Sports” is now available. The project has the aim of creating a sustainable ecosystem for the development and growth of family-friendly sports aimed at children’s health enhancement...

Start of the project AI4YOUTH

The first consortium meeting within the project AI4Youth was held in Belgrade this December. It enabled representatives of partner organizations of Backslash, CONNECT International and Balkan Urban Movement to arrange plans for the effortless project tasks...

E-volunteering Living Lab Meeting Held in Belgrade

The living lab stakehoklder meeeting within the "E-volunteering" project was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from 13th till 16th December 2023. Within it we gathered youth workers, volunteers, trainers and policy makers , and engaged them in open innovation and...

Kickoff Meeting of the project “Compassion Circle”

In collaboration with partner organizations – Connect International from Belgium, Libero from Serbia, and Javni zavod Mladi Zmaji, Slovenia, we formed the CIRCLE OF COMPASSION, enabling youth workers to share experiences and practices, offer support, and provide...

Digital Citizenship Platform is Online

We are happy to announce that the platform developed within the project "Digital Citizenship - Through Youth Glasses" is now online. It contains 3 sections: The Guide for introducing learners to the importance and essence of digital citizenship in today’s digital...

CONNECT at the first networking meeting of the PAL Network

Representative of Connect International network attended the first in-person networking meeting of PAL Network, on Monday 28 of November in Brussels. PAL Network is a pan-European collaboration of grassroots organisations and civil society actors tackling anti-roma...

2023 General Assembly of CONNECT International

This year, CONNECT International held its annual General Assembly in Brussels, Belgium. The representatives of members of our network gathered to review our previous work, set plans for the upcoming year, meet each other, and exchange ideas for future projects and...

The EAF event took place in Greece

The second EAF event was implemented in the Mandoulides School in the Greek city of Thessaloniki from 27 to 30 September 2023. It brought together a group of enthusiastic young people, youth educators, and media and policy activists and enabled them to discuss and...

Results of the E-volunteering Research

The Research report in front of you is produced within the project “E-volunteering”, which is implemented by CONNECT International (Belgium), Move It (Greece), Mladi Zmaji (Slovenia), Backslash (Spain), Sunrise Project (France), and Libero (Serbia). It aims to...


The third EAF event took place in the Ivan Cankar student dormitory and in the Secondary school of economics in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 22nd to 25th October 2023. The event  gathered a diverse group of youth educators, young people, and media and policy activists...

CONNECT at the Youth Progress Index’23 Launch Event

CONNECT International network attended the Youth Progress Index'23 Launch Event, which happened on the 18th of October in Brussels and was organised by the Europen Youth Forum. They introduced a new tool that can be used for measuring the process of the quality of...

Visit the exhibition 20 YEARS OF FARM PROD in Brussels

Twenty years ago a group of young and upcoming visual artists decided to share a workshop by moving into an isolated farm in rural Belgium, giving birth to FARM PROD, one of the most unique contemporary urban art collections of the XXI century. Their retrospective...

Circle of Compassion – Youthwork based on compassion

The fundamental building block of communities is compassion. It spreads kindness, understanding, tolerance, warmth, and connection among people. Compassion, both toward self and toward others, is an emotional response, believed to be an essential aspect of...

“DigitalYOu: Empower” Training for Trainers is Done!

The “DigitalYOu - Empower” Training of Trainers was implemented in Belgrade, Serbia. During the seven hard-working days, the participants gained competencies, skills and knowledge on how to be sucesful NFE trainers in the demanding digital environment. This was...

The EAF event took place in Croatia

The first EAF event was held in Varazdin, Croatia, from April 21 to 24, 2023. Within it, we brought together a large number of young people, educators, and media and policy experts to discuss how fake news are formed, disseminated, and received by people...

Members of CONNECT at the EYCA Conference in Podgorica

The members of CONNECT took part in the Annual Conference and General Assembly of the European Youth Card Association that was held in Podgorica, Montenegro, from 16 to 18 June 2023. The mission of the European Youth Card is to support young people across Europe to...

Digital Citizenship Training held in Belgrade

The Digital Citizenship Training on Mainstreaming Youth Perspective into Digital Citizenship Debate was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from June 11 to 16, 2023. It brought together young people and youth organization representatives from all around Europe in...


The Capacity Building Training within the project BITE 2.0 was successfully implemented in Belgrade, Serbia. It brought together cultural operators active in the field of contemporary visual art from Serbia, Belgium, Slovenia, and Spain to enable them to get...

CONFIDENT Training Held in North Macedonia

From May 14th to 21st, a training of trainers within the CONFIDENT project was held in Struga, N. Macedonia, with participants from Spain, Kosovo, Serbia, and North Macedonia. The training focused on piloting our innovative training methodology as part of the...

Take part in the E-volunteering questionnaire

Through the project E-volunteering we are planning to increase the quality in the work of youth organisations in terms of e-volunteering, by building their capacities in attracting, engaging, managing and coordinating e-volunteers on a transnational level through a...

DigitalYOu Training of Trainers implemented in Ljubljana

The “DigitalYOu - Engage” Training for Trainers was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from the 17th to the 23rd of April 2023. The event gathered youth workers, educators, and facilitators from all around Europe to enable them to get introduced to advanced e-learning...

“Family Friendly Sport” Guidelines Have Arrived!

We are happy to announce that the two Guidelines developed within the project "Family Friendly Sport" are now officially online and available for free to all interested stakeholders that want to improve their capacities for implementing family friendly sports...

The E-volunteering Mind Mapping Event Held in Belgrade

The E-volunteering Mind Mapping event was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from April 5 to 8, 2023. It gathered youth workers, educators, and other stakeholders in order to enable them to analyze and reevaluate the quality elements of the research on the current...

Kickoff Meeting of the Project “E-volunteering”

The kick-off meeting of our new project “E-volunteering – building an online volunteering ecosystem” took place in Brussels, Belgium. The project is implemented by CONNECT International (Belgium), Move It (Greece), MladiZmaji (Slovenia), Backslash ES (Spain),...

EPITOME Launch Event held in Brussels

The launch event for the EPITOME project's Minecraft worlds collection was held in Brussels on February 24, 2023 organised by Connect International. The EPITOME project is a European Union (Erasmus+) funded project aimed at promoting education through gaming. The...

CONNECT at The CoE’s “Essentials on NFE” Training

The “Essentials on NFE” training takes place in the European Youth Center in Strasbourg, from 5 to 12 February. Youth Workers, activists, and trainers from all over Europe gathered there and joined efforts in exploring Non-formal education, experiential learning,...

DigitalYOu Hackathon Held In Belgrade

DigitalYOu Hackathon was held in Belgrade between 11 and 15 December 2022. The event gathered young creative and tech-savvy people from several European countries in order to enable them to work with experts and mentors on developing an innovative and interactive...

The Annual Meeting of CONNECT’s Pool of Experts

The annual meeting of CONNECT International’s Pool of Trainers and Experts was held online via ZOOM on December 7, 2022.  The meeting offered an opportunity for new and existing members of the Pool from all around Europe to get to know each other, exchange...

Kickoff meeting within the project Before They Hate

The kickoff meeting for the project Before They Hate (B4H8) was organized in November 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland. In this project, partners from Iceland, Belgium, Scotland, Denmark, and Spain will work on hate speech prevention by training young leaders to carry on...


The annual General Assembly of CONNECT International for 2022 was held in Belgrade. The Assembly was held in person for the first time in three years and was attended by representatives of member organizations from all around Europe who had a chance to...

European Year of Youth 2022 Has Reached Belgrade

During the events surrounding the "European Living Library for Young Citizens" in Belgrade, Serbia we have presented the European year of Youth 2022 to the citizens and guests of the Serbian capital city. A large number of people were informed about the importance...

European Living Library in Belgrade, Serbia

The long journey of the project "European Living Library for Young Citizens" is slowly coming to an end. The final set of events and meetings was held from November 4 to 7, 2022 in Belgrade, Serbia, thus concluding a series of activities that have...


We are happy to announce that the platform has been launched! This platform was developed within a project “Turning Digital” with a goal of creating free online space that will help in raising the quality of adult e-learning on the international...

European Year of Youth Has Visited Ljubljana

CONNECT is continuing its efforts to introduce as many people to the European YEAR OF YOUTH 2022 Initiative. The latest promotional event was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on October 20th within the European Living Library which we have implemented. During the...

Connect hosted EPITOME Transnational Project Meeting

On October 6, 2022 in Brussels was held Transnational Project Meeting of the EU/Erasmus+ funded project EPITOME (Exploring the Potential of Minecraft in Problem Based Curricula). The goal of the meeting was to summarise and evaluate project activities and...

CONNECT Presented as an Example of Good Practice in Spain

On Friday, October 7, a training session of the Sagunto City Council on European projects was implemented by our member organization Backslash. The event helped to explain the importance of collaboration between civil society and local administration, how to apply...

October is the European Cybersecurity Month

The European Year of Youth has set out nine topics of this year, one being "Digital," which is followed by other highly important initiatives for young people. CONNECT International has dedicated itself to contributing to the digital agenda and promoting...

European Year of Youth Promoted in Spain by CONNECT

The promotion of the European year of Youth was held in Quart de Poblet, Valencian region, on September 28th as a part of an event within The European Living Library. During the event, participants got to know what #EYY22 is and how to contribute to this movement....


As part of the project "Turning Digital" a Training for Trainers was held in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, from September 14 to 18, 2022. It included more than 20 adult educators from several European countries. By working with our trainers and through utilization of...

Educ@te platform has been launched!

We are happy to announce that Educ@te platform is now ONLINE! It represents an e-learning tool for raising the capacities of human rights educators (HRE) to work in the online environment. It is designed to provide HRE trainers with: theoretical background for...

Digital YOu Hackathon – Call for Participants

Did you ever participate in a 5 hours long seminar online and thought: “OMG this could be done so much better”?  Did you try to manage your organization online and wondered if you can find simpler ways to do so? Did you miss networking events during COVID-19?...

Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges funding opportunity

Being part of an exchange program, but making it digital. The EU has introduced new components of the Erasmus+ program, thus allowing young people to take part in digital exchanges. Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges are online people-to-people activities that promote...

Call for Participants – “Turning Digital” Training

Project ‘’Turning Digital’’ aims to establish a sustainable adult e-learning system working towards providing beneficiaries the opportunity for skills development, improving educational accessibility to the activities and increasing participation in adult...

Results of the “DigitalYOu” Research are now Online!

Digital technologies have changed the way the world works. The process of digitalization has affected all segments of the global society, economy and the environment in which all organizations operate, so that it can be freely said that the digital transformation...


Training of trainers within the project "EDUC@TE" was held in Skopje, North Macedonia, from 5th to 10th June 2022. The activity was attended by youth workers, educators and members of youth organizations with experience in online human rights education from...

CONNECT meets META in Brussels

Brussels, June 24, 2022 – CONNECT's team met with the Meta Public Policy Team in Brussels, where they discussed digital citizenship and the youth sector challenges, as well as potential cooperation! META and CONNECT International have both worked on digital...

Introducing “Democracy Here. Democracy Now” Campaign

"Democracy here, democracy now" is an international campaign launched by the Council of Europe's Youth Department with the goal of connecting young people, youth organizations, institutions, and other stakeholders, and providing them with a space to discuss the...

Promotion of the European Year of Youth in Skopje

The activities, significance, and purpose of the 2022 European Year of Youth were presented on June 9 to the citizens of Skopje, North Macedonia, during the implementation of the European Living Library event. Visitors of this event had a chance to find out...

CONNECT at the European Year of Youth Stakeholder Meeting

Representative of CONNECT International has participated in the fifth meeting of the European Year of Youth stakeholders and national coordinators. The meeting was held online on June 2, 2022. We had the honor of facilitating a discussion group "Digital", which was...

European Year of Youth Promoted in Bijeljina

The presentation of the European Year of Youth was done during the central event of the European Living Library that was held in Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina on May 27. The citizens of Bijeljina and activists involved in the "European Living Library"...


The project "FFS – Family Friendly Sports" is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and brings together 7 different organizations and sports clubs from 5 countries around Europe to achieve the aim of creating a sustainable ecosystem for the...

Educ@te workshop held in Brussels

The second workshop implemented within the project “Educ@te” was organized in Brussels, Belgium, from 13 to 16 May 2022. The event was attended by members of youth organizations and youth educators from Western and Northern Europe...

Introduction to the European Year of Youth 2022

EUROPEAN YEAR OF YOUTH 2022 "But if we are to shape our Union in their mould, young people must be able to shape Europe's future. Our Union needs a soul and a vision they can connect to." Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission During the 2021...

Democracy Here, Democracy Now – Youth Action Week

We're excited to share information about the upcoming Youth Action Week within the Council of Europe's Youth Department's Democracy Here, Democracy Now Campaign, which was shared with us by the Campaign Secretariat! From June 27 to July 2, the Youth Department...

The CONFIDENT Platform Has Arrived

We are happy to announce that the website developed within the project "The Confident - Combating the Negative Influence of Social Media" is now online! This project aims to support the changing of the negative self-image of young people caused by social media by...

CONNECT to support  The European Year of Youth 2022 

During the 2021 State of the Union address, European Commission President Von Der Leyen announced the Commission's intention to propose designating 2022 as the European Year of Youth. Following the conclusion of the inter-institutional negotiations, 2022 was...

Educ@te workshop implemented in Belgrade

The workshop within the project "Educ@te" was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from April 11 to 14, 2022. The activity was attended by educators and members of youth organizations from Southeastern and Eastern Europe who had a unique chance to share experiences and...

Start of the project DigitalYOu!

The start of the project "DigitalYOu - Digitalization of Youth Organizational Work" was marked by a kickoff meeting which was held in Belgrade from April 1 to 4, 2022. During the event partner organizations CONNECT international (Belgium), Balkan Urban Movement...


The project consortium led by BIPS - Business Innovation Programs (Serbia) and comprised of CONNECT International from Belgium and Backslash from Spain is starting the implementation of an international project "Turning Digital - Building sustainable adult...

Take part in Educ@te workshop in Brussels (13-16.05.2022)

If you are a youth worker or a member of a youth organization working on human rights education online, we are inviting you to apply for the EDUC@TE workshop, which will take place in Brussels, Belgium from May 13 to May 16, 2022. During this workshop, we will:...

Take part in Educ@te workshop in Belgrade (11-14.04.2022)

If you are a youth worker or a member of a youth organization working on human rights education online, we are inviting you to apply for the EDUC@TE workshop, which will take place in Belgrade, Serbia from April 11 to April 14, 2022. During this workshop, we will:...

Second partner meeting within the EPITOME project

On January 31, 2022, the EPITOME partners met virtually to discuss the status of the deliverables comprising the first intellectual outputs of the project and agree upon the actions for their finalization. The specification for delivering project-based learning...

EPITOME Platform Is Published

The COVID pandemic has affected more than 1.6 billion children and youth in 161 countries due to school closures. A lot can be done to at least reduce the impact through remote learning strategies which do not repeat what already takes place but explore new ways of...

Start of the project EDUC@TE

The COVID19 pandemic has forced almost all young people to abruptly digitalize their lives and transfer them online. Now social interactions, communication, work and education are happening in a virtual space. This sudden change has provoked serious consequences...

SOCI@LISE Study Session implemented in Budapest, Hungary

The study Session “Soci@lise: Social Rights in Digital Era” was held from 12th to 18th July 2021 in European Youth Center in Budapest, Hungary. The event was organized by CONNECT International and Youth Express Network with the support of the Youth Department of...

arrow SUPPORTERS arrow

European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

arrow SUPPORTERS arrow

Creative Europe

Erasmus Plus

European Youth Foundation

Europe for Citizens

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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