World today is led by innovation. It changed how we work, live or entertain ourselves by improving efficiency and rising quality of life. CONNECT International is actively engaged in supporting innovative practices, ideas and ICT development of young people.
Shaping the future: AI4Youth conference
On February 5th 2025, CONNECT, BUM and Backslash hosted an insightful online conference as part of the AI4Youth project, gathering youth workers, stakeholders, policymakers and young people to explore the role of AI in education and employment. The event focused...
Join the AI4Youth Online Conference on February 5th, 2025!
We are looking for youth workers, educators, policy makers and young people to support us in detecting the policy gaps for AI use in youth employment and education. Together we will be working on recognition of the topic among organizations and institutions around...
Connect International organised AI4Youth national piloting workshop: The impact of AI on the future of education
Connect International organised a national piloting AI4Youth workshop, where they discussed the impact of AI on the future of education and presented the AI4Youth curriculum that is designed to build capacities of youth workers when it comes to...
Expert’s Group Meeting within the project “ReInNovating”
In November 2024, the members of the Experts Group within the project "ReInNovating Digital Youth Work" gathered in Ljubljana for an in-person meeting to discuss how the innovation of online youth work approaches can be achieved. The meeting enabled the participants...
APPLY NOW! AI4Youth Workshop: The Impact of AI on the Future of Education
Are you a youth worker, educator, or policy-maker wanting to understand how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping education? The AI4Youth project aims to create a capacity-building curriculum for youth workers ready to support young people to prepare for the...
CET Piloting Workshop – A Success in Brussels
Connect International in collaboration with the Generation Why Not held in October a piloting workshop, as part of the Communicate, Engage, Transform (CET) project, aimed at empowering participants with essential skills to drive meaningful change in their...
The “Volunt@@ring” Training within the E-volunteering Project is held in Belgrade
Coming from six different countries, youth workers, trainers, representatives of youth organizations, and NFE educators joined the E-volunteering training in Belgrade this October, where they discussed existing e-volunteering mechanisms in their respective countries...
READY-CET-GO – Open call for workshop of Communicate- Engage- Transform (CET) Project
Are you part of a local youth organisation (YO) and you want to improve your communication strategies and create positive change in your community? The Communicate-Engage-Transform (CET) project, funded by Erasmus+, invites youth organisations to participate in...
Training of Trainers held as a part of CET project!
Training of Trainers within the Project Communicate-Engage-Transform (CET) aimed to enhance youth organizations’ communication skills. By improving these capacities, organizations can develop effective strategies, increase audience engagement, and boost local youth...
Representative of Connect took part in the plenary meeting of Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI)
Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) held 11th meeting in Strasbourg, France from 17th to 19th September 2024. A representative of Connect International had the opportunity to represent Advisory Council on Youth in the meeting and follow the further developments...