Emphasys Centre Takes Part In The Networking Event for potential Pact for Skills members

Emphasys Centre (www.emphasyscentre.com)  is a member of the Pact for Skills initiative which aims to support and bring together public and private organisations in the field of upskilling and reskilling. Emphasys is greatly linked to the digital eco-system as it functions in the last 24 years as a successful ICT Training Centre, Research and Software Development aiming to promote digital transformation. Emphasys is an Erasmus+ KA1 learning mobility provider offering a wide range of professional development courses to working force, educators, trainers, teachers and employers.

The Pact for Skills is considers as a innovative initiative of the European Commission launched in 2020. The PfS is the first of the 12 flagship actions under the European Skills Agenda and is closely linked to the European Pillar of Social Rights. A Charter, which outlines a shared vision on quality training from industry, social partners, vocational education and training (VET) providers as well as national, regional and local authorities, forms the basis of the Pact for Skills. All members – supporters of the PfS agree to respect and commit themselves in the four key principles:

1.      To promote a culture of lifelong learning for all;

2.      To build strong skills partnerships;

3.      To monito skills supply/demand and anticipating skills needs; and

4.      To work against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities.

Based on the above, the PfS aims to mobilise resources, to make investments in skills and to set up a shared engagement model between the various actors so that through partnerships they collectively take action to upskill and reskill the workforce in all 14 industrial ecosystems identified in the Industrial Strategy.

Emphasys participated on the 25th of May at the online ‘Networking Event for potential Pact for Skills members’ in which organisations had the opportunity to be informed on the Pact for Skills Initiative, how to join forces in partnerships at regional and sectoral levels with other organisations and join the Pact. Member organisations were give the opportunity to present the partnerships created through their work, as well as, through the implementation of EU funded projects in the fields of Renewable Energy Ecosystem; Automotive Ecosystem; Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear industries; Space Data, Services and Applications; Retail; Proximity and Social Economy; Offshore Renewable Energy; Long-term Care; Lifelong-Learning; Gender-Equality; Health; Digital; Culture and Creative Industries and Tourism.

The online event provided also the opportunity to participate in practical information sessions for guidance, one-to-one meetings between representatives of organisations and also to take part to Large Scale Partnerships Discussions from multiple industrial eco-systems in order to identify their commitments.

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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