On this page you will find brochures, guides and other documents published by CONNECT International.

Resources from CONNECT 
Results of the AI4Youth Research have been published!
We are pleased to announce that the AI4Youth research has been completed and is now available for consultation. This report is the result of extensive research analyzing how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education and employment for young people. What...
Results of the CET research have arrived
This research was conducted in the framework of the project CET - Communicate - Engage - Transform implemented by a Consortium of four organizations from 3countries: Generation Why Not (Belgium - as the leading organization), Movelt (Greece), BUM (Serbia) and CONNECT...
The Family Friendly Sport Platform Has Arrived
This innovative platform developed within the EU-supported project “Family Friendly Sports” is now available. The project has the aim of creating a sustainable ecosystem for the development and growth of family-friendly sports aimed at children’s health enhancement...
Digital Citizenship Platform is Online
We are happy to announce that the platform developed within the project "Digital Citizenship - Through Youth Glasses" is now online. It contains 3 sections: The Guide for introducing learners to the importance and essence of digital citizenship in today’s digital era....
Results of the E-volunteering Research
The Research report in front of you is produced within the project “E-volunteering”, which is implemented by CONNECT International (Belgium), Move It (Greece), Mladi Zmaji (Slovenia), Backslash (Spain), Sunrise Project (France), and Libero (Serbia). It aims to enable...
The CONFIDENT Training Program and Methodology Has Arrived!
The CONFIDENT Training Methodology is designed to support trainers and youth workers in helping young people to overcome psychological and mental issues caused by social media. This document is organized into five cohesive modules that are interconnected and work...
Policy Recommendations for the Protection of Young People’s Mental Health in the Online World
As an organisation dedicated to bringing humanity to digital life, CONNECT International recognises the importance of mental well-being in online spaces, particularly concerning children and adolescents. We welcome this year's Communication from the Commission to the...
“Family Friendly Sport” Guidelines Have Arrived!
We are happy to announce that the two Guidelines developed within the project "Family Friendly Sport" are now officially online and available for free to all interested stakeholders that want to improve their capacities for implementing family friendly sports...
We are happy to announce that the platform has been launched! This platform was developed within a project “Turning Digital” with a goal of creating free online space that will help in raising the quality of adult e-learning on the international...
Other resources 
Download EuroDesk’s Guide on Inclusive Communication
The Eurodesk Guide on Inclusive Digital Communication in Youth Information Services aims to support all those working with/for young people, in designing more inclusive and accessible youth information. The guide covers general principles relevant to building...
Artificial intelligence and education – A critical view through the lens of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (2022)
The aim of this book is to provide a holistic view to ensure that AI empowers educators and learners, not over-empowers them, and that future developments and practices are truly for the common good. Artificial intelligence (Al) is increasingly having an impact on...
2022 Edition of the Digital citizenship education handbook
The Digital citizenship education handbook has been updated with new references to relevant resources and made printer friendly. The handbook is intended for teachers and parents, education decision makers and platform providers alike. It describes in depth...
The European Strategy for a Better Internet for Kids
As part of EU's plans to make Europe a safer place to live, including online, they have recently launched a new strategy for a better internet for kids (called BIK+). The strategy can be accessed by clicking the button below. Download Strategy
Ethical guidelines for Educator on the use of AI and data in teaching and learning
The European Commission, with the support of the Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and Data in Education and Training, has developed and published Ethical guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and data in teaching and learning for Educators. The...
Youthilize E-democracy Guide Available Online
The progress of local communities is not possible without the involvement of young people. But many young people are not interested or not capable of taking a part in the decision making process of their communities due to unadjusted and incomprehensible approach...