The Capacity Building Training within the project BITE 2.0 was successfully implemented in Belgrade, Serbia. It brought together cultural operators active in the field of contemporary visual art from Serbia, Belgium, Slovenia, and Spain to enable them to get familiar...

CONFIDENT Training Held in North Macedonia

CONFIDENT Training Held in North Macedonia

From May 14th to 21st, a training of trainers within the CONFIDENT project was held in Struga, N. Macedonia, with participants from Spain, Kosovo, Serbia, and North Macedonia. The training focused on piloting our innovative training methodology as part of the...

Take part in the E-volunteering questionnaire

Take part in the E-volunteering questionnaire

Through the project E-volunteering we are planning to increase the quality in the work of youth organisations in terms of e-volunteering, by building their capacities in attracting, engaging, managing and coordinating e-volunteers on a transnational level through a...

DigitalYOu Training of Trainers implemented in Ljubljana

DigitalYOu Training of Trainers implemented in Ljubljana

The “DigitalYOu - Engage” Training for Trainers was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from the 17th to the 23rd of April 2023. The event gathered youth workers, educators, and facilitators from all around Europe to enable them to get introduced to advanced e-learning and...

“Family Friendly Sport” Guidelines Have Arrived!

“Family Friendly Sport” Guidelines Have Arrived!

We are happy to announce that the two Guidelines developed within the project "Family Friendly Sport" are now officially online and available for free to all interested stakeholders that want to improve their capacities for implementing family friendly sports...

The E-volunteering Mind Mapping Event Held in Belgrade

The E-volunteering Mind Mapping Event Held in Belgrade

The E-volunteering Mind Mapping event was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from April 5 to 8, 2023. It gathered youth workers, educators, and other stakeholders in order to enable them to analyze and reevaluate the quality elements of the research on the current online...

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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