Call for the Volunt@@ring Training of Trainers in Belgrade

We are looking for youth workers, trainers, representatives of youth organizations, and NFE educators with experience in volunteering who are eager and ready to become trainers who will support the establishment of transnational e-volunteering practices. 

Selected participants will have the opportunity to go through the tailored capacity-building program that will empower them to become trained educators for establishing e-volunteering systems in youth organizations across Europe and work with us on that. 

Are you the one?

Welcome to the project “E-volunteering – building an online volunteering ecosystem”! Our project aims to enable the transformation of transnational volunteering practices, by using new and innovative approaches introduced through a sustainable e-volunteering ecosystem. 

Since our e-volunteering ecosystem has been set, we are now looking for youth workers, representatives of youth organizations and NFE educators who are experienced in volunteering and ready to work with us on transforming the transnational volunteering practices in Europe. Selected participants will go through the tailor-made capacity building training that will prepare them to multiply and work with youth organizations in Europe on establishing procedures and systems for e-volunteering. Participants who pass the training and capacity assessment test will become part of the e-volunteering pool of trainers and continue working with us. 

Topics that will be covered at the training are:

  • Facilitate the preparation of YO’s internal capacities
  • Creating e-volunteer work description
  • Establishing coordination and monitoring systems within YO’s
  • Process of online recruitment 
  • Introductory courses for volunteer 
  • How to do volunteer motivation and management online 
  • Volunteer education online 
  • Conflict resolution online
  • Online evaluation and feedbacking 
  • Keeping up with in-person standards and learning opportunities
  • Validation and recognition mechanisms
  • Skill building of the YO’s staff. 

You are welcome to apply for participation if you:

  • Are a youth worker, NFE trainer, youth organization representatives and/or NFE educator with experience in online or in-person volunteering,
  • Have general knowledge of volunteering and e-volunteering practices,
  • Have experience in working as trainers and/or facilitators,
  • Are familiar with characteristics and elements of online youth work,
  • Are willing and eager to work on stablishing transformative e-volunteering practices across Europe,
  • Are coming from, Serbia, Greece, Spain, France, Slovenia, and Belgium (*or from countries which are CI member organizations),
  • Are ready to participate in this event in its entirety and have a decent command of the English language,
  • Are ready for long-term commitment on establishing procedures and systems of e-volunteering together with partners. 

The “e-volunteering training of trainers” will be held in Belgrade, Serbia from the 29th of September 2024 to the 4th of October 2024. Working language of the training is English.

Organizers will cover all costs related to travel, accommodation, and food. Participants are obliged to use the most cost-efficient means of travel. Organizers will cover travel costs in accordance with CONNECT International’s guidelines on travel expenses reimbursement, depending on the country of origin.

If you are selected you will be provided with additional information on the dates, schedule and exact venue of the event. In that case, you will be contacted by the local partner organization. 

There is a fun and engaging two-folded application process ahead of you. We want to ensure that best and most experienced, but also most motivated participants are the one selected to take the part in the training. Therefore, all applicants should:

  1. Fill in the application form that is accessible on this link. Share with us basic information about you and your career, as well as experience with volunteering.  and most importantly why you should be selected as participant for this training. 
  2. (optional) Record a video of up to 30 seconds or create some other form of creative expression demonstrating your motivation and answering the question “Why you should be selected to be a participant at the e-volunteering training of trainers?”. Produced material should be uploaded to the application form. 

The deadline for applying: 25.07.2024, at 23:59 CET. If you are selected you will be notified by 01.08.2024. 

The project “E-volunteering” is co-funded by the European Union.

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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