On 28 th of June, 2023 the Current Affairs Committee of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe held its meeting at Palais de l’ Europe in Strasbourg, France, with the presence of the Committee Chair Mr. Thomas Andersson and the Secretary General of the Congress Mr. Mathieu Mori. The Agenda included among others discussions related to the role of local and regional media as watchdogs of democracy, ageing communities in the perspective of human rights, the role of local and regional authorities to major crisis and post-crisis reconstruction processes, as well as their role in combating trafficking in human beings. Alkistis Giogiou, President of CONNECT International and trainer of the Youth Delegates of the Congress participated in the meeting by moderating a thematic exchange on the very important agenda item about current challenges concerning youth and youth policies. The exchange involved exploring whether or not elected officials and young people consider the same issues when thinking of key challenges youth faces today and involved an interactive exercise of simulating a real-life situation in local and regional authorities in order to see how young people and members assign priorities for future policy action and the use of resources. Themes or issues raised during the exchange could be envisaged to be covered in the framework of future activities by the Committee.
The President of CONNECT International took part in the Current Affairs Committee of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe