COOLTURE – new trends, new stories

Balkan Urban Movement is, with the support of partners, implementing project COOLTURE – new trends, new stories. The project will be held from 5 – 7th of October, 2018 in Belgrade.

Project goal is to promote accessibility in the field of culture through the promotion of mobility of art and artists in SEE region and Europe. We plan to use October Salon as a role model of cultural event accessible to young people from Serbia, region and other European countries.

We want to engage artists and art/culture institutions in this project and motivate them to use digital communication and story-telling to change their approach to young people that should become their audience. Our intention is to get young people to start visiting cultural events outside of their city and to see culture as a reason to get to know other places and cultures.

This project is implemented by Municipality of Vračar; Mestni Mladinski Svet Maribor (Slovenia), PRONI Centar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Volunteers Center Skopje (FRY Macedonia), Youth for Exchange and Understanding (Belgium), Youth Office Novi Pazar (Serbia), Belgrade Cultural Center (Serbia). CONNECT International has offered the support of its board members in regards to promotion and social media marketing


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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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