DATA PROTECTION POLICY – Youthilize 2.0 Webinar

DATA PROTECTION POLICY – Youthilize 2.0 Webinar

INFORMATION REGARDING PROCESSING & STORING OF YOUR DATA CONNECT International (Address: Avenue Michel Ange 49, Brussels, Belgium; Phone: +4915126535312; Email: is collecting and storing your personal data and contact details...

PRIVACY POLICY & GDPR – Research On Online Gender Violence

PRIVACY POLICY & GDPR – Research On Online Gender Violence

CONNECT International (Address: Avenue Michel Angel 49, Brussels, Belgium; Phone: +4915126535312; Email: is collecting and storing your personal data and contact details requested in the form within this research. Why do we collect...

Take Part in Research on Online Gender Violence

Take Part in Research on Online Gender Violence

CONNECT International is inviting you to take part in our research on gender-based violence and discrimination in virtual world and help us get insight in this destructive phenomenon. Online gender violence is not a phantom. It is not random anonymous comments and...

DATA PROTECTION POLICY – Digital Youth Work Webinar

DATA PROTECTION POLICY – Digital Youth Work Webinar

INFORMATION REGARDING PROCESSING & STORING OF YOUR DATA CONNECT International (Address: Avenue Michel Ange 49, Brussels, Belgium; Phone: +4915126535312; Email: is collecting and storing your personal data and contact details...

COVID 19 Pandemic – Opening The PanData Box?

COVID 19 Pandemic – Opening The PanData Box?

The Smart Cities and their linked technologies are proven to contribute to the smart government of a city or a region. More and more governments are using sensors to generate data to monitor the current state of the city. Some of them understood the benefits of...

COVID-19: Is our health the only asset at stake?

COVID-19: Is our health the only asset at stake?

COVID-19 seems to rule our everyday life and has set solid grounds for huge digital steps in every aspect of social, labor, educational and commercial level. It is true, though, that the recent digitalization of procedures and the technological revolution that...

Privacy Policy and GDPR – Work Programme 2020

Privacy Policy and GDPR – Work Programme 2020

INFORMATION REGARDING PROCESSING & STORING OF YOUR DATA CONNECT International (Address: Avenue Michel Angel 49, Brussels, Belgium; Phone: +4915126535312; Email: is collecting and storing your personal data and contact details...

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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